Built to Spill is working on a new record!

Doug Martsch was kind enough to send us some photos he took this week of of Built to Spill in the studio. They recorded at Jackpot! Studio and are mixing at Ice Cream Party, both in Portland, OR. There was clearly the requisite amount of pizza and disarray that comes with a proper recording session.

Doug’s hoping to get Built to Spill’s ninth record ready for a spring or summer 2015 release. It’s been over five years since the excellent There is no Enemy came out, and fans of the band are eager for more.

Built to Spill in the studio: Adam Lee-- recording engineer, Travis Harrison--mix engineer, Jason Albertini--basser

Little known fact: Doug is a ruthless fantasy basketball team owner with a sneaky mind for percentages. He crushes me more often than not when we go head-to-head.