Putting one’s money where one’s mouth is, or rather contributing what comes out of a singer’s mouth (and band) to a good cause, is something that many musical outfits do to great effect. Editors are a band who subscribe to that way of thinking, their cause being Oxfam UK, which is an organization they’ve been […]
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Bassist, singer Mike Kerr, 24, and drummer Ben Thatcher, 27, who are Royal Blood, slap and tap such an amazingly large sound that it’s almost hard to believe they take up so little human space. Just the two of them spooling out grinding, arena-rock-worthy songs that do truly rock in the best kind of way. […]
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on the road
Back when I worked at one particular national music magazine, said journal decided the way to connect with the kids was to send the staff to live at a college for one month and work with the journalism students there to write pieces on the local music scene. The thought was apparently that we big-city […]
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new music
Dublin four-piece Girl Band really know how to make a deep incision, whether slicing through soundwaves or carving up a cadaver as happens in their new video. They also know their way around a single lyric, which in the case of “Why They Hide Their Bodies Under My Garage?” — a cover of a dance […]
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I jumped at the chance to travel to a place of rolling waves and white sands after the winter I and most of America (the world?) had to put up with—alright Californians, you did get an extra helping of sunshine, but still, water is serving up it’s own special problems for you. It didn’t even […]
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new book
The more things change, the more they stay the same. Or so wrote a French critic named Alphonse Karr back in the 19th century, and damn if I don’t agree more and more every year that my life trips on. Personally, I hate change, so when something new comes around that takes me back to […]
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new music
Sometimes it feels so good to let go into a bit of aural nostalgia, which isn’t to say that this new Civil Twilight track doesn’t have forward moving edge, but there’s enough large percussion to let me revisit my love for a certain Peter Gabriel tune that was played on a boombox in an awesome […]
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new music
These Chicago lads—and by lads I mean just that: tight-knit hanging with attitude—make a certain sound that belies their young age. Although initially on hearing “In the Morning (in the Evening),” they’re newest 7-inch release, I wondered how Lou Reed had managed to come back to earth to record with the Birthday Party, with some […]
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Did you know that April 18 is Record Store Day? What? Yes, an entire calendar day devoted to an actual brick-and-mortar joint that sells some stuff called vinyl. This is a happy thing for sure. This year’s is also an occasion when the turn-of-this-century metal band Mastodon will release a limited edition 12″ picture disc […]
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As a kid reading my Creem magazine on a Sunday I would fantasize about being in a band where it was just me and the guys banging out a few tunes in the garage. I’d maybe sometimes include my best girlfriend in the equation just because it seemed I’d need someone who’d really understand me. […]
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